"In The Fur" Photos

The photos shown above are just a few of the over 200 individual "in the fur" photos of the over 40 different recently arrived Charlie Bears that are now available for viewing on the bears' listing pages here on the Bears Against MS store website. They include Secret Collection, Signature Collection, Plush, PLUMO, mohair and/or alpaca, large (30") to small (7") and every size in between and every color imaginable. There is sure to be at least one that will tug at your heart strings. Links are provided at the bottom of this post to the different 2023 and 2024 Collection pages where the bears are listed in alphabetical order. By the bear's name and stock photo, if it says "Select Options" (rather than "Add To Cart") it means that if you open the listing page, you'll find "in the fur" photos and can then order the specific bear you want (if only one bear left so only one photo available, it will still say "Add To Cart" rather then "Select Options").

A note about pre-orders - There are a number of people to whom I had sent emails about their pre-orders for some of the bears whose photos are now available for viewing (as referenced above) who never responded. If you believe you were on my pre-order list for one of the bears who is now shown as available for general adoption, please check your spam folder for that email from me or email me at [email protected]
I am still working my way down my pre-order lists for 6 bears who recently arrived (namely E Normous, Tea Party, Clock Watching, Jubilee, Renaissance and Rococo) but hope to get those all taken care of in the next few days. Once that is done, I will upload photos of those bears still available to their listing pages.
Now here's the links I mentioned.
2023 Plush Collection
2024 Plush Collection

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