Follow These Steps

This is where you’ll find step by step instructions on how to do the following:

The first step in all cases is to look in the left side panel and either at the top click on the little person icon
or towards the bottom click on “My Account” (both take you to the same page)
and log into your account (or create an account if you haven’t already done so).

 Note: If using a mobile device instead of a computer, click on the 3 horizontal bars
to access what is referred to in all the instructions as the “left side panel”.

For further step by step instructions for each task, click the appropriate title from the list above.

While for some tasks the process may at first look somewhat daunting,
it really isn’t as complicated as it looks (I’ve just been very detailed).
However, if you have any questions, run into any problems,
or would like me to walk you through the process, please don’t hesitate to contact us.