New Charlie Bear Delivery
Posted by Valerie on 5/3/2024 to
Charlie Bears

A new Charlie Bear delivery is due to arrive next week. It will include some 2024 Plush Collection bears and some 2023 Isabelle Collection bears including one that was a Cuddle Time exclusive, plus a paw-ful of pre-2024 plush bears including one from the Secret Collection. See below for a list with prices and availability. After photographing the bears, I will start contacting those on my pre-order lists in the order people are on those lists. After satisfying pre-orders, there will be some of each of the bears available for general adoption (except for a couple of bears marked as "all reserved" on the list below). If you didn't pre-order but are interested in reserving one of the available bears, please use the "Contact Us" link in the left side panel to let us know which bears interest you.